I completed my bachelors and masters in Computer Science from IIT Kharagpur and University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) respectively. My research interests revolve around Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Fairness aspects of various AI Domains.

In the past, I have interned at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the Machine Learning Solutions Lab (MLSL) team working on Drug Target Intearction using Protein based Large Language Models. I have also interned at Accenture Technology Labs, Bangalore where I worked on Stock Price Prediction using textual data like news articles or twitter data.

In my free time, I like to play chess and catch up with recent developments in the chess community. Checkout these rising young talents from India - Nihal Sarin and R Praggnanandhaa.

I love watching movies and I am a huge huge fan of Christopher Nolan. I have watched all of his films (even Insomnia, Doodlebug and Following). Watching Oppenheimer in IMAX 70mm was a special experience and will always be etched in my memory as the first magnum opus from Nolan that I could watch in the mighty format. Among Indian films, my favourite is a Tamil movie named 96 which features one of my favourite soundtracks. I also follow a handful of series like Sacred Games, Dark, Sherlock, Westworld, Planet Earth, The Family Man and Black Mirror but my favourite series is a Japanese Anime called Attack on Titan. You can also follow me on Letterboxd where I have listed almost all of the films I have watched.