As I peel through the layers of my failure
My past self seeking my redemption
I hear the last screams of my self esteem
Raving through the room
Rising through the metal throne
Valiantly failing in breaching the zone

No one shall remember me my friend, will you?
I have spent my entire life in a dream
A dream that led me to get up tomorrow
But tomorrow is a dream too high, my friend
Too high for me to reach the pinncale
Even though I have never been cynical.

In this flashback of sorts
I find myself dying a thousand deaths
Yet I am not a coward, my friend
I have put my heart and soul in that fight
But I have lost all the battles in a single slope
Not due to weakness, but due to hope.

A simple hope, a simple idea
That my life would lighten up again
Where I shall forget all my snubs
But now I hide my tears in the dark
The dark that has embraced me unlike any other
And it has made me forget myself
And this is where you shall find a new me,
Not a hero or a villain
But an agent of chaos.

© Rakesh Bal.