Dreamy Colours of the spring,
That you have showered in my life,
Mellow strings of the spring,
That you have hummed in my life,

Blue, is it the colour of my life?
The riffs of the ocean, make me realise,
It is the colour of your pilgrim soul,
The soul that has stolen my thought.

Scarlet, is it the colour of my love?
It is the colour of my desire, hidden,
Transcending the depths of passion,
Veil me in the colour of love, O dear.

Amber, is it the colour of my hope?
It is the colour of your smile, golden,
The Smile that has a place in my soul,
My Soul that is lost in your paradise.

Green, is it the colour of my essence?
It is the colour of the mystic lights,
That we hope to witness one day,
But I have witnessed my light in you,
And in you I have found my northern light.

All the colours of the spring,
That you have showered in my life,
Will stay with me forever and
Forever Will I write about you,
Until My heart runs out of the ink,
The ink that is in your eyes, O dear.

© Rakesh Bal.